tone tags
general things to avoid
eating disorders + drug use
information + resources
why might someone use tone tags?
some people have difficulty picking up on tone, especially online. communicating through text only makes this harder due to the lack of audio and physical clues (voice inflection, body language, facial expressions, etc.) tagging your messages with what tone you are using can be very helpful for others understanding of what you're saying, clarification, avoiding miscommunications, etc.why might someone NOT use tone tags?
1. it can make communication harder rather than easier. for some people with autism and other neurodiverse people, they don't always understand tone tags and it can be confusing, especially with too many tone tags.2. some people can not remember tone tags. those who suffer from brain fog, amnesia, or chronic fatigue are not always able to remember every tone tag. this can make using tone tags on them extremely confusing or upsetting.3. some may see it as infantilizing. not every person with autism or neurodivergent person has issues with telling tone and assuming otherwise can be aggravating or triggering.4. tone tags are subect to misuse. sometimes tone tags are used in conjunction with messages that are wondered in mean or passive aggressive ways that may make people feel as though they can’t point out the fact something was passive aggressive or rude.5. personal preference! some just do not like tone tags, whether it's a combination of reasons or they just don't like them.
how to properly tag sounds
loud noises - gunshots/distorted sounds etc.what to do
- tw / gunshots
- cw loud noiseswhat not to do
- cw g*nshots
- reply to the tweet instead of including the cw in the tweet itselfscreaming/shouting - aggressive meme videos/tiktokswhat to do
- [video] /s or /j
- avoid using these kinds of videos!what not to do
- [video] (especially as a reply untagged)
- [meme to do with harm/threat] - untaggedlayered noises/music - for example those memes that play 3+ songs at oncewhat to do
- tag them! as either noisy or something similar
- mention that it's 'not safe for headphone users' [this is widely used for loud noises and so is easy to understand]add subtitles/transcripts - if you post a video caption it with what is saidwhat to do
- subtitle videos!
- add audio description/alternative descriptions to your images
- if you can please transcribe videos or interviews on the timeline! even if it’s not yours!what not to do
- caption videos with emojis/a lack of accurate information (e.g omg this dog swimming is so cute implies the video is of a dog swimming)
how to properly tag visual imagery
lack of subtitles/transcripts/audio descriptions - if you're sharing something important and you can subtitle it OR link a transcript!also be privy of what fonts to use particularly due to the fact “fancy fonts” cannot be read by screen readersflashing lights - fast paced editing/paparazzi videos/concert videos with flashing lightswhat to do
- cw flashing lights
- cw flashing imagery
- if it's a linked video or fancam - tweeting a warning wouldn't go amiss!what not to do
- reply fancams with flashing lights to people's tweets if you're unsure if it's safe
- not tagging due to aesthetics
- replying tags to tweets [a lot of us have autoplay on - by the time we have scrolled to the replies it's a bit too late!]violence or threatening memes - those 'POV you're' tiktoks where they 'beat up the phone' etc.what to do
- cw violencewhat not to do
- share these untagged/ with strangers
how to properly tag phrases and typed formats
cry typing/shaking typing- 'imsh akinf' 'im cryn g s o hard' etc. - can be taken literally and cause panicwhat to do
- '___' /j or /s
- if you're drunk or high if you cw drunk or tweet that you're drunk/highwhat not to do
- 'im shakin f so hard right niw' [untagged]
- avoid 'im so upset rn' over trivial things without contextmistyping words - for example 'uwu/owo' typing/using acronyms/abbreviations of words , typing “L1K3 TH15”what to do
- avoid mistyping!
- if you use an acronym just tag what it stands for belowE.G I love atla. atla = avatar: the last airbenderscreen readers struggle to read tweets that are mistypedfake subtitles/fake captions/fake statements - avoid lying if you can! so fake subtitles especially if it's a language that's not english, fake captions for photos etc.what to do
- avoid mistranslations/spreading mistranslations
- if you rt fake subs etc if you tag them as /j or /s
- fake statements such as 'im deactivating' 'closed' etc. avoid unless you tag it!what not to do
- share mistranslations
- share 'dm/follow to find out what ___ is about' for promotional reasonsfake tw and cw - cw heterosexuality/tw celebrity name (for no reason)what to do
- tw/cw triggering content, phobias!what not to do
- tw unless the content is triggering
- cw unless the content is uncomfy/worrying
- avoid tw/cw as a whole!copypastas/this is _phobic jokes- the [idol name] has done something disgusting - biggest heart copypasta, warning copypastas, this is -phobic, this is racist copypastas if it isn't actually racist/homophobic etcwhat to do
- avoid copypastas! or tag as /c
- avoid this is -phobic jokes, this is [name]phobic or [fandom]phobic jokes are fine as long as you tag them as '/j or /s if you're directly replying to someonewhat not to do
- quote tweets with 'this is transphobic/homophobic/racist' when they're not
- quote/reply with slurs to tweets if the person you're talking to expresses discomfort
- call celebrities/people homophobic etc without tagging as /s or /j [although I find this one more clear in context but sometimes i can misunderstand and panic!]jokes about harm/tweets about harmful situations - e.g 'I'm dying', 'i'm not your friend anymore/i hate you' , 'you're in this dangerous situation' what would you dowhat to do
- tag as /j
- avoid using buzzwords to do with harm
- avoid tweeting about morbid situations/threats
general guide on how you can help
avoid making fun of mocking people's phrasings/wordings - if something is articulate, or how someone refers to someone avoid pointing this out this doesn't count for harmful miswording and misinformation PLEASE call this out and make sure it's clearavoid mocking neopronouns - if someone uses neopronouns please respect them!avoid mocking peoples intellect/using language such as ‘childish’avoid using threats/insults especially without tagsavoid mocking delusions/repetitive behaviours/physical symptoms of neurodivergency - these can include repetitive speech, excessive typos, fast talking, anything noticeableask for consent/respect boundaries - please ask for consent before you repost tweets/screenshot messages/videos etc. some people are comfortable, others are notdo not share people’s pictures/priv tweets if they’ve explicitly stated they are uncomfortable with itplease if something is untagged or you see something that could be triggering; TAG IT - if you can please tag it or ask the person to delete if it's harmful! it means more than you think!using ableist languagewhat to do
- avoid using this language at all
- if someone uses this language please call them out or ask them to delete the tweets!using ‘fancy fonts’ or copy and pasted fonts - these cannot be read by screenreaders! and therefore makes your content inaccessible to people who rely on screenreaderswhat to do
- write important information clearly
- avoid using fancyfont generator or substituting letters for emojismocking speech impediments/stutters/ticks - laughing if people stutter in speeches, reposting content in which how someone speaks is mocked etcwhat to do
- tag ableism
- avoid reposting content in which people are mocked for having slow or slurred speech !what not to do
- stutter text!!
- mock lisps etc in your texts (kiss-> kith)
a guide on eating disorders and addictions
eating disordersthis includes anorexia, bulimia, unspecified disordered eating, binge eating as well as habits that may develop into an eating disorderthe ed section is edited by the current owner (who is overweight):note: DO NOT tag mentions, images, or videos of food. this is extremely anti-recovery and will only cause harm. exceptions are binging, restrictive eating habits, and over eating in large quantities.tag these things
- calorie counting
- unhealthy diets
- binge eating
- negative weight talk
- negative calorie talk
- eating disorders in general
- disordered eating (binging, purging, etc.)do not tag these things
- gaining weight (to a healthy weight!)
- food (this can make food seem bad or demonized if censored)the human body is and can be healthy with fat on it. shaming people for having too much or too little of it on their body is outright rude. outward appearances of someone who may seem overweight or underweight does not always determine if they are healthy or not.addiction
addiction is something that can be extremely physically and mentally straining - there’s also prescription drugs that aid mental health issues that people are susceptible to becoming addicted to.- specifically alcoholism and drug addiction please cw mentions of drug use or alcohol use
- tag videos of people drinking excessively or using drugsfor example:
- cw drug use
- put drunk/high/content warnings in your display name if you’re drunk etc. it makes it easier to avoid the tl/mute people but also can help people with autism understand the situation if you are mistyping!
deroot ableism
end ableism
tone tags
please encourage discussion surrounding ableism online - avoid separating in/visible disabilities within your discussions and uplift disabled voices when it comes to criticising the media industry/social media for its lack of representation and accessibility.

art by izumibarton on twitter!
my name is konrad or aleksei!
i use he/she/it pronouns and masc & non human terms online!im the current admin of this carrd! i do not know who the previous owner was nor do i agree with everything that was stated in this carrd before.
live laugh love könig ♡